"We are 63!"
to Registration form
October 5, 2008
Class of 1963,
This is a reminder
that we must give the Country Club a count by the end of the
week. If you have not already done so and wish to attend the
class dinner on October 25, please return the registration
form to Stan with your balance due. We are expecting about
75 members of the class and guests to attend the dinner.
I will be sending out
a final email with details about the reunion later this week.
September 18, 2008
Class of 1963,
Your reunion planning committee met last Sunday,
and I want to bring you up to date on plans for our 45th.
First and foremost, if you have not sent your
registration form and final payment to Stan, please do so
ASAP. We would like to have as many registrations as possible
by October 1 so we have a fairly accurate count for our next
meeting on October 5. For your convenience, the registration
form is attached. Of course, you may attend even if you did
not preregister. Currently about 55 members of the class are
planning to attend, along with faculty members John Gibbs
and Martin Beer.
To assist us in scheduling the Saturday activities,
it would be helpful if you would send Stan a second choice
for a Saturday activity. In the event that a particular activity
is over- subscribed or under-subscribed, we will then be able
to give you your second choice. Please send your second choice
to Stan even if you have already registered.
As you know, we have established a scholarship
fund to award a scholarship to a HMHS graduating senior in
each of the last five years. We plan to continue that scholarship
and would like to endow that scholarship so it can be given
in perpetuity. To assist us in reaching that goal, we are
planning two activities at the reunion:
Most of us have class rings that are sitting
in the back of a jewelry box and probably don't fit anymore.
We believe the value of the gold content to be in excess
of $100 (we will provide a more accurate estimate in October)
and if you wish to donate your ring to the Haddonfield Educational
Foundation - Class of 1963 Scholarship, your gift would
be tax deductible and the proceeds from the sale of the
ring will go toward the scholarship endowment. If you are
interested in donating your ring, please contact Kathy Welsh
Baxter at kathy@compassrosedesign.com.
We will again have a silent auction in which
we encourage you to donate an item or service that could
be auctioned. One significant donation is a stained glass
window made by our late classmate and renowned stained glass
artist, Paul Friend. We will be sending a picture of that
window in early October. You might consider donating gift
certificates (from national chains), bottles of wine, golf
balls or accessories, webpage or logo design, one hour legal
consultation (if you are a lawyer), time at your beach or
other vacation home, exchange of your local (primary) house
for a week with a classmate who lives at a distance (with
pictures and details as to location, number of rooms). If
you have a item you wish to donate, please send its description
to Lynn Ganary McDevitt at lynn.mcdevitt@i-aviation.com.
We are planning to reserve a block of rooms
for out-of-town classmates at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (formerly
the Hilton) in Cherry Hill. I'll send the details as soon
as they are complete. I will also send you a more detailed
itinerary and directions after the October 5 meeting.
I have attached a list of the lost
members of our class in the hope that you can
provide us with an address or phone number for any of them.
If you have not already done so, please send an update of
your biographical information to our webmaster, Mark McGrath
at mfmcgrath@hotmail.com.
Our class website http://www.hmhs63.50megs.com/ has a current
list of who will be attending.
We hope you are planning to attend. Please let
me know if you have any questions.
Your reunion planning committee:
Kathy Welsh Baxter, Margie Joseph Kanupke, Karen Mayo Cox,
Mike Bryen, Stan Bockmann, Lynn Ganary McDevitt, Billy Budd,
Fred Franks, Marcia Robbins Lugger, Roland Holloway and Henry
to Registration form
Reunion Contacts:
Photos for Web Photo Albums and all other Web
Mark McGrath at mfmcgrath@hotmail.com
General questions, comments or information:
Denny Ryder at hryder@verizon.net
Stan Bockmann at stanbman@comcast.net
